Best Party Craft Yet: Add LED Lights to a Feather Boa!

Oh ma goooodness, get a load of this party craft.  ‘Tis the mother of all party crafts in my humble opinion, yet so easy that it’s barely worthy of a “tutorial”, let’s just tell it like it is here.  Oh yeah disco darlings, LED lights are the wave of the future and the groovy past in this week’s party craft. …

FBL’s Greatest Hits: Party Crafts!

Ahoy, craft mates!  No need to go rummaging around the FBL blog trying to pinpoint your favorite party crafts.  Why…they’re all right here!  And party crafts just ain’t party crafts without affordable bright LED lights.  Am I right or am I right?  (I’m right.)  The following’s in order from Most Fun & Totally Unique to Still Really Cool & Surprisingly Easy. …