Let’s get #Social! Are you planning an event? It could be as big as a wedding or a small kickback at home, they all have one thing in common: Pictures! We get so many love and pictures from our customers and we want to give back! Introducing our new FBL Get Social Giveback Program!
The steps are simple: Send us your Light up party/DIY pictures or use our #Hashtag to get featured on our page AND for a chance to win #FREE light up goodies 💕✨ If we decide to feature your photo on our page, we will tag you to give credit and also send you a goodie box full of our light ups! Check out our Facebook or Instagram for live examples.
Want to reach us directly? Feel free to drop us an e-mail with any questions you might have: [email protected] Take a look at a few of the customer submitted photo below!
From Weddings:
From Holiday Events/Parties:
From light up DIY:
From any Light up Parties!
Looking forward to seeing how YOU light up the party! Elly out.