Terms & Conditions


Dear Customer,

By placing an order with AlightPromos you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:

  • Prices shown on the website are subject to change at any time and are for in-stock merchandise only.
  • Shipping on a third-party shipping account incurs a $10 net fee.
  • There is a $10 net fee per additional shipping location.
  • Shipping outside the US incurs a $25 net documentation fee.
  • Charges for invalid shipping account numbers or address corrections will be charged back to the customer without prior notification using the same payment method on the original order.  Please ensure that account number is correct and in good standing and shipping addresses provided are accurate to avoid any unnecessary charges.
  • While will take responsibility for shipping orders on time on the designated ship date, we cannot be responsible for shipping carrier delay.  When time is tight we recommend shipping a few days early or utilizing expedited shipping to meet your customer’s deadline.
  • All changes to orders must be made by submitting an updated purchase order.